About Kumar

“What is the recipe for successful achievement? To my mind there are just four essential ingredients: Choose a career you love, give it the best there is in you, seize your opportunities, and be a member of the team.” Benjamin Franklin Fairless

Kumar is a multi-talented individual who has made significant contributions in the fields of technology, education, entrepreneurship, and social impact. With a passion for innovation and a commitment to making a difference, Kumar has emerged as a successful figure in his respective domains.

As a technology & travel enthusiast, Kumar has dedicated his career to harnessing the power of technology to drive positive change. With a mix educational background in computer science and travel management & from business family , he possesses a deep understanding of cutting-edge technologies and their potential applications on any business. Kumar has been at the forefront of numerous technological advancements, working on groundbreaking projects that have reshaped industries and improved lives.

Alongside his technological pursuits, Kumar is an ardent entrepreneur with a keen eye for identifying emerging market trends and opportunities. He has founded and co-founded several successful startups, demonstrating his strategic vision and business acumen. Kumar’s ventures have spanned diverse sectors, including E-commerce, Software & Hotel Industry. His entrepreneurial journey serves as an inspiration to aspiring innovators and showcases his ability to translate ideas into tangible and impactful businesses.

Driven by a strong sense of social responsibility, Kumar is actively advocates for social causes and works towards creating a positive impact in society.  He has been an active member and has been handling multiple technology projects of UN. He believes in the power of collaboration and has collaborated with many other nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and community initiatives to address pressing challenges. Through his endeavors, Kumar has championed causes such as education, healthcare, and environmental sustainability, striving to make the world a better place for all.

Beyond his professional achievements, Kumar is known for his integrity, humility, and commitment to personal growth. He is an avid learner, constantly seeking opportunities to expand his knowledge and skill set. He believes in fostering a culture of continuous learning and encourages others to embrace lifelong learning as a means of personal and professional development.

In addition to his professional pursuits, Kumar finds joy in engaging in hobbies and activities that nourish his mind and soul. He is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and gaining inspiration from diverse experiences. Kumar also enjoys immersing himself in the arts, whether it be through photography, or attending live performances.

Kumar’s remarkable journey exemplifies the power of passion, innovation, and social impact. Through his technological expertise, entrepreneurial spirit, and dedication to making a difference, he has left an indelible mark in his society. With his unwavering commitment to excellence and his belief in the transformative potential of technology, Kumar continues to inspire and drive change in his landscape.

Specialize in Building Business

Working on franchise model for expanding the brand “KAYKON”

Web Design & Development

Web design is more than ever a visceral experience where how something is presented to the user is as important as ever.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing proves that the attainment of accurate and desired results not only benefits the consumer but also the marketer, in the long run, to manage and maintain a successful promotional campaign, as it ensures a wider and effective reach.


A store of artificial flowers, plants and decorative item. Shop online directly from our brand website or from Amazon/Flipkart

Lets work together!

If you'd like to talk about any business idea or you want help with or need an advice about your business or its marketing, just drop me a message.
